About me

I am excited by witnessing people discover, rediscover and grow the resources they have within themselves. Sometimes we may need a little extra help with this. Having the time and space to explore, think, feel, reflect freely, with a non-judgmental listener, can make a great difference.

A greater range of voices needs to be heard in the world. I strive to support that in my work, assisting people to find their voice and speak out for change. I am particularly interested in equity, diversity and inclusion in arts and culture, and in supporting young professionals.

Cultural background

I grew up in Vienna, Austria, and I live in London, Britain. I work in English and German, and also speak French and Italian. I have worked with clients based in Britain, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

Navigating different cultures and languages is a daily experience for me, which informs my professional approach. I work with people across a range of ages, social backgrounds, ethnicities and cultures, and I seek out to work with difference and the energy this brings.

Coaching and Counselling

I trained as a coach after having coaching sessions myself. Experiencing the empowerment of finding my own answers and reaching my own decisions prompted me to want to offer such an open and non-judgmental space to others. A few years later I decided to train as a counsellor, as I wanted to extend the range of ways in which I could assist my clients. I now work as a coach, as a counsellor, and with an integrative approach: I combine the more forward-looking, solution-focused coaching stance with the in-depth support and potential for resolving long-standing issues that counselling can offer.

As a coach and as a counsellor, I am rooted in humanistic person-centred approaches. I trained as an integrative counsellor and have a preference for existential approaches, relational psychodynamic work, working with the body and the felt sense, and compassion-focused therapy.

I have experience with clients exploring identity, self esteem, trauma, romantic and family relationships, loss, depression, anxiety and self care. I work with people of all ages, with a special interest in 18-30 year olds. From 2020-2022 I volunteered as a counsellor for unpaid carers with London charity City and Hackney Carers Centre. I also offered low-cost counselling for apostates through Cherry Tree Therapy Centre in Buckhurst Hill, London.

Nature-based therapy

Increasingly aware of the beneficial effect of being in nature on myself, I became professionally interested in nature-based therapy and incorporating the natural environment into the therapeutic process. I offer counselling and coaching sessions outdoors. I also volunteer with the ecotherapy project Forest Farm Peace Garden in East London.

Personal loves

I love gardening, walking out in nature, music, especially contemporary classical and early music, photography, and drawing. I’m interested in language, metaphor, and the politics of language. I like reading early twentieth-century European literature and sci-fi -- anything involving time travel, alternative universes and utopian societies.

Other professional background

I studied music at university and completed a PhD on the rediscovery of medieval music in the early twentieth century, at King’s College London. I then worked as a fundraiser in the arts. I held Development Director roles at contemporary classical record label NMC Recordings, creative writing charity Arvon, and Birmingham Contemporary Music Group. I worked on fundraising strategy and on getting individuals involved in supporting new work by living artists, as well was fundraising for learning projects for young people.

From 2017-2020 I was Lecturer in Artist Development at the Royal Academy of Music, running seminars on coaching and communication skills, and individual coaching sessions for young musicians forging their professional identities. I continue to run training and professional development workshops for artists.